Al Milgrom’s kind of beating Frank Miller to Sin City on this cover. We got us a fill-in. This one’s written by James Owlsey, aka Christopher Priest, who just seems to keep…
ASM 297
For the record, I have no memory of buying or ever reading ASM 296 & 297. I think I’ve had them for many years, but I don’t really know. Some evidence suggests…
ASM 296
That cover copy feels really perfunctory. “Force of Arms.” What’s that got to do with this weird image? I’m also very interested by the “1985” next to John Byrne’s signature. This cover…
TAC 136
Alright, let’s do it. This cover seems like it’ll have a hard time coming to pass, but we’ll see. We open with Peter reading about his dumb move on that TV show…
TAC 135
Vince Colletta is out and Sal Buscema is inking himself now, as he will for most of his time on this title.We pick up right where we left off, Spidey beaten and…
TAC 134
For a time after TAC 100, Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man got the tagline “The All-New, All-Daring” above the title. It wasn’t really all-new or all-daring… same cast and all… but it…
WEB 036
Well, that seems cliche. This issue can be hard to get at a reasonable price due to an important cameo. We’ll see when we get there. Same team as last issue as…
WEB 035
Suddenly… Gerry Conway! The infamous 70s Spider-Scribe is back at Marvel and on WEB for a couple issues. And he’s brought recent ASM penciler Alex Saviuk with him, settling into his home…
WEB 034
Safe to say… this is gonna be a weird one. It’s written by Jim Shooter, which is super weird off the rip. At this time, Jim has JUST been forced out as…
TAC 133
Usually that “after” credit on a comics cover means it’s a direct homage to another image. I’m not a super expert, but I don’t think Sienkiewicz means this is a direct lift…