We’re back! Bendis! Bagley! Thibert. Transparency Digital! Art Thibert has apparently gone on to become one of these awful conservative idiots who rails against superhero comics starring heroes who aren’t white guys…
Tag: J. Jonah Jameson
Tangled Web 21
Darwyn Cooke, J. Bone & Matt Hollingsworth return, and this time, it’s Christmas. Ya know, when I was plotting out this stuff, I remembered a whole lot more of this series being…
Tangled Web 20
Yes, Zeb Wells is back, this time teamed with indie comics staple Dean Haspiel. Haspiel had the prestigious if probably not super lucrative gig of taking over the art for Harvey Pekar’s…
Tangled Web 11
Darwyn Cooke and J. Bone take the reins this month. An interesting pairing. Cooke successfully broke into comics in the 90s at DC before quickly deciding it wasn’t a way to make…
Jay Leno & Spider-Man: One Night Only
We wrap this block with the weirdest possible detour. Basically, as I’ve mentioned, anything goes in this era of Marvel Comics. If someone had an idea Jemas and/or Quesada thought was interesting,…
ASM V2 47
And we’re back with Peter Parker, expecting an attack from Shathra anytime. Which, if he really is, makes it prrrretty irresponsible to go to work, yeah? Dan Kemp is suddenly back on…
DD V2 34-35
Now we get to check in, briefly, on one of the best Daredevil runs of all time. Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev and Matt Hollingsworth put on a masterclass for 5 and…
Time to drag myself over the finish line of this one. They are still fighting, with florid, morose Peter Parker narration over it about how he’s a lightning rod keeping evil from…
Really vying for “Worst Cover Composition 2002.” Look how big Spider-Man’s foot is. Who even is that in the middle? Peter? This sucks so bad. We open on a battered Peter in…
This month, UMTU welcomes Terry Moore, of the long-running Strangers In Paradise, among other things (Although I think he’d done little else at this point, he really stretched out into other areas…