Fun cover idea. He really calls it his Awesome Android. Gnarly, dude. One Kevin Duban finishes this issue, and Bob Sharen is back on colors. I need to pin down when he…
Tag: Mary Jane Watson
ASM 241
This is a really unusual cover. It’s Terry Austin, best known for enhancing John Byrne’s supple linework, inking Romita, but it’s got that extremely rough, Frank-Miller-inking-himself look. Super gritty. Frank Giacoia taps…
ASM 193
He has all your powers, does he? Name one. After the events of last issue, Peter is worried JJJ might have peeked under his mask while he was unconscious, so he drops…
ASM 191
The last Spider-Slayer! Forever! For sure! Keith Pollard & Mike Esposito are back on art as we pick up with JJJ on the rampage. He’s fully convinced Spider-Man killed his son last…
MTU 079
Meanwhile over in Team-Up, a very different kind of story, also drawn by Byrne and inked by the sure hand of his X-Men inker Terry Austin. And it features the creepy old…
ASM 173
Rare to find one this old at McKay’s, but I’ll sure take it. Hey, what’s up with Spider-Man’s right hand? I hope he’s reaching into his belt for some kinda gimmick to…
TAC 011
Why tho? I guess we’ll find out. This month, we got Chris Claremont in as guest writer, joined by penciler Jim Mooney, with reliable Mike Esposito still hanging in there on inks….
TAC 007
The 70s are a pretty dark period for Marvel Comics, all told. There’s certainly bright spots, but a lot of the books were not too great, and there were other problems. Chief…
ASM Annual 11
ASM Annual was a book of nothing but reprints for a few years, but this issue is a return to the first story being original content. This one’s brought to you by…
MTU 058
Len Wein is killing me. I cut my first block from his run awkward and short because it picked up so many threads from the end of Conway’s and I didn’t want…