Looks like it’s everybody vs. everybody in the big finale. This issue adds a 3rd inker who is only credited as “Candelario” and sees Paty Cockrum return on colors. Everyone’s fighting like…
Tag: Al Milgrom
Deadly Foes 3
Will Shocker finally get over his fear? Or is this your traditional misleading cover? Only one way to find out. Al Milgrom is the sole penciler this month, and Mike Thomas tags…
Deadly Foes 2
Well, we’re back, and just in time to see Spider-Man get run over by a van, probably. Oh, look who it is. Ah, yes. Code: Blue. Wearing… purple. Do they always have…
Deadly Foes 1
And now for something… well, not completely different, but… not often you get a book about villains, but in what would become a pretty common attempt to get more Spider-Man product on…
Thor 448
Really not gonna make Code: Blue happen, but gonna keep trying! Spider-Man kicks Thor in the face to get this Two Heroes Fight Over a Misunderstanding started. Titania runs as everyone else…
Thor 447
Yep, more Thor. Yep, DeFalco & Frenz, back again. Even now 5 years removed from their run on ASM, they just keep popping up. Last time their Thor run cropped up on…
TAC 089
Here goes everything. Glynis Oliver tags in on colors this month. The issue starts with one of Kingpin’s underlings recapping how Kingpin gave Spider-Man information to stop Doc Ock, and then Spider-Man…
TAC 088
That is certainly a take on Mr. Hyde! I really prefer the sort of crude, choppy inking Milgrom applies to his pencils to the flat, faux-John Romita, Sr. thing Jim Mooney does….
TAC 087
Sure looks like things are going to go well! Mantlo, Milgrom, Mooney & Christie Scheele on deck as Spider-Man and Black Cat cavort through the city on the way to Peter Parker’s…
TAC 086
The bottom corner feels like JRJR, but who knows? Maybe it’s a dead-on impression. Is this a bigger or smaller stunt than MTU 137? On the one hand, MTU was absolutely ludicrous….