The Red Ghost! The weird Fantastic Four villain with 3 superpowered ape assistants tangled with Spidey back in ASM 223, and he’s back! Page one, returning penciler Ron Frenz borrows one of…
MTU 143
Weird looking Spider-Man on that cover. Questionable proportions. Weird design on that bad guy, too. For the last 2 issues, Greg LaRocque has just been providing breakdowns, and Mike Esposito has been…
MTU 142
This one’s another Ebay find. I got MTU 140-150 for just $7.99 pretty early in my quest. The early days were the best, because there was so much I didn’t have, especially…
TAC 092
Well, what is it? Let’s find out. We begin with this: That’ll be the guy spying on Spidey from last issue. From there we turn to Spider-Man & The Black Cat making…
ASM 254
A great cover. Such mystery! Rick Leonardi hangs in there for one more issue, joined by new regular inker Joe Rubinstein and new regular colorist Christie Scheele. This story begins by revisiting…
TAC 091
While I’ve known the Amazing Spider-Man alien costume story since I was a kid, I never saw the TAC or MTU issues of the period. I was excited to further flesh out…
TAC 090
Alright, we’ve seen two of the regular Spider-titles introduce the new suit, let’s see how Tac does it. Interesting that he’s not wearing it on the cover, unlike the other two. Al…
ASM 253
Once I started down this road of trying to get as much of ASM as I could, I didn’t do anything with this era until I got 252, since it was so…
MTU 141
Would that the amazing team of Art Adams and Mike Mignola were providing more than just the cover to this issue, another win from The Great Ebay Hysteria of 2018. Not as…
ASM 252
I first read this issue as part of “The Saga of the Alien Costume,” a trade paperback collection I got when I was a wee lad in the 6th grade. So I’ve…