And we’re back with Peter Parker, expecting an attack from Shathra anytime. Which, if he really is, makes it prrrretty irresponsible to go to work, yeah? Dan Kemp is suddenly back on colors.

Cannot believe they still use that terrible title font. Peter recaps what’s going on in the classic Romita, Jr. profile image fade, then Joey finishes his science project, and they leave the lab. It’s Friday night, conveniently, so Peter can now spend the weekend being in a Spider-Man plot.

As Shathra rolls out her character assassination, thrilling JJJ, upsetting Aunt May, and daring Spider-Man to come forward and dispute her claims, making it clear she’ll expose his identity, Peter calls MJ. Right there in the room with the other teachers, which seems PRETTY SUSPICIOUS. He could step out the door! MJ is very shaken, and wants to know if it’s true, and if it’s not, then who is this woman. And when he can’t immediately explain, she wants to know how this woman knows who he really is. Woof. Peter crushes his cell phone in his hand, and the PE guy says they don’t make them to last anymore. People will forgive anything, I guess. Then we cut to one more person watching the news: Ezekiel, who says “I’ve been too long away. It’s started.” Morlun 2! An enraged Spider-Man swings across town, giving into that rage, finding Shathra on instinct. She’s giving another interview about him when he comes smashing through the window.

Morlun 2! They go flying out onto the street, Spider-Man mercilessly beating her, thinking for the first time in his life, he wants to kill something (I distinctly recall him saying “I’ll kill you” to Norman, oh, 5 posts ago or so). The beating continues until he is made aware he’s terrifying innocent people.

Mor! Lun! 2! A crippled Spider-Man falls to the ground and limps into the street, latching onto a passing cab and telling the driver to go. He slips inside the cab and Shathra loses him. For some reason. This wouldn’t have stopped her last issue. He’s laying in the back seat, barely functional as the cabbie talks about how most superheroes are bad tippers. Then Spider-Man says he has to get out, falls out the door and drags himself into an alley over the objections of his savior.

Boy, Kraven woulda loved that exhibit. An all-you-can-eat buffet for him! Next month, this goofiness wraps up, presumably with a last minute save by Ezekiel, because Morlun 2!