Guys, remember Amazing Spider-Man? It’s been so long. Here’s a big personal milestone: I bought this issue from Walgreens with my allowance. It’s the first comic I ever bought. After reading ASM…
Tag: Mary Jane Watson
WEB 055
Back in the post about TAC 154, Eduardo Lobo said he & his brother had to wait for the next full moon to finish their war with Kingpin. And I thought, “That’s……
ASM Annual 23
Look out, Atlantis Attacks! This was a 14-part crossover threading through various 1989 annuals, including all 3 Spidey titles. Unlike The Evolutionary War the previous year, these annuals were more tightly connected,…
ASM 319
Uh-oh! Hammer has sent in the clowns! You’ll remember Blacklash from being a total screwup in MTU 145. Has he done anything since then? I have no idea, but I haven’t seen…
ASM 318
Time to catch up on some of the ASM we’ve been missing. This is another one I replaced. My old copy was really beaten up, the cover completely detached, and also, very…
TAC 154
I am… pretty sure I know the master plan of The Puma? We’ll see. We open on Spidey reading The Bugle, wherein JJJ has credited “an unidentified passerby” with his rescue rather…
WEB 054
I feel certain I read this one as a kid. I didn’t have it, obviously (Tho I really thought I did, even). I was reading comics out of the library still, I…
TAC 153
Wow, Sal really went in on the denser web pattern here. But my first reaction was it looks like mid-80s Al Milgrom covers, like MTU 148. Al was already tinkering with the…
WEB 053
Werewolf problems continue! And it looks like this cover is where Alex Saviuk starts doing a more McFarlane-ish Spidey. But not inside, where Mark Bagley once again guests on pencils. And where…
TAC 152
This is the month I’ve been waiting for. Todd McFarlane has been doing whatever he wants with Spider-Man in 20 issues over 17 months to riotous reaction from fans. We’ve seen on…