Strap in, gang, it’s the first appearance of Monica Rambeau, aka the 2nd Captain Marvel! That’s right, the dirt’s barely settled on Mar-vell’s grave and someone else is already jumping on that…
Tag: John Romita Jr
ASM 230
Same creatives, same story. Spider-Man is on the trail of The Juggernaut, slowly leaving the scene of his attack on Madame Web last issue. It doesn’t take long to find him, but…
ASM 229
Nothing! Not even a full team of X-Men! What hope does our man have in the face of such destructive power? Stern, Romita, Jr., Mooney & Wein remain the creative team. Things…
ASM 227
That certainly doesn’t look good for the budding romance that began last issue. This is the first one in awhile where the same creative team from last issue continues unaltered this time,…
ASM 226
This month, Jim Mooney tags in on inks. The Black Cat hasn’t been seen in these parts since way back in ASM 205, that only the 2nd story she ever appeared in,…
ASM 225
Kind of a weird cover this month. That gentleman with the questionable fashion choices is The Foolkiller, but there will be more on that in a bit. The surer hand of Bob…
ASM 224
We jump ahead now to somewhere in the last half of 1981. The cover date is the date the book was supposed to be removed from the rack rather than the month…
ASM 218
Here we go, big finish. As the rain continues to pour, the Mudman lurches around the docks, not seeming to care about Spider-Man. He’s pretty freaked out by the whole situation, actually….
ASM 217
So it’s only Hydro-Man’s second appearance they’re already gonna do the thing where he merges with Sandman and becomes a mud man. Look at this cover, you and I both know it’s…
ASM 216
Same creative team as of late, picking up where they left off last issue. Let’s see how Spidey’s doing on… a Spring morning? In spite of it being November last issue and…