So, we’re back with more of “The Showdown of the Century!” I mean, generally speaking, that kind of hype is just that in comics, but it was kinda true here. What could…
Tag: Joe Rubenstein
Marvel Vs. DC, Part 1
We interrupt regular programming here for one of the biggest stunts of the 90s, Marvel Vs. DC! It was to be a miniseries event wherein Marvel’s biggest stars would fight DC’s. And…
SMU 11
One more reintroduction to Spider-Man in this, the black sheep of the Spider-Family. This one’s courtesy of Fabian Nicieza, Dave Hooover, Joe Rubenstein and Tom Smith, and opens with Ben reading a…
SM 49
Looking more like a magazine cover than ever here. This one is inked by 3 classic inkers in Tom Palmer, Klaus Janson, and Joe Rubenstein. And I bet it’s really easy to…
TAC 133
Usually that “after” credit on a comics cover means it’s a direct homage to another image. I’m not a super expert, but I don’t think Sienkiewicz means this is a direct lift…
ASM 261
Ladies & gentlemen, Charles Vess! Charles Vess’ gorgeous art would just randomly grace Spidey covers on occasion in this era. He will later provide interiors for an issue of ASM and even…
ASM 260
Where’s the light coming from on the bottom of Hobby’s arm? My oft-mentioned “The Saga of the Alien Costume” trade ended with ASM 259, because Spidey was out of the alien costume,…
ASM 259
Back on MTU 140, I said I had 2 beefs with Ron Frenz, but only described one. The 2nd one wouldn’t be completely obvious until now. He draws just like Sal Buscema……
ASM 258
This is one of those issues where it’s hard not to just post the whole book. It’s jam packed with important events. Bob Sharen hops back in on colors as Peter deals…
ASM 257
So! Following the events of last issue, Puma’s gonna kill the unconscious Spider-Man. Whew! Puma sizes his new foe up, his heightened sense picking up a weird aura around her. He figures…