Answer: Just… some robot? I have no idea who that is. Was this Acts of Vengeance thing working? Like I said previously, I only really ever read the Spider-Man, Daredevil and Captain…
Tag: J. Jonah Jameson
TAC 159
Not only did I not buy this one at the time, I’ve never even read it before. My reading of Web and Spectacular was spotty at first, but I tended to get…
TAC 158
What? Yes. It’s at least as weird as it sounds. Also weird is my thinking “Now we’re back to Sal Buscema” when I see this cover. In spite of Sal doing plenty…
TAC 110
Never liked that Daredevil logo. We’ve arrived at the stunning conclusion of The Death of Jean DeWolff, a story whose title seems a little more weird the further we get from her…
TAC 109
It’s always a weird thing, what you do and don’t find at McKay’s. Did whoever sold the first 2 issues of this story not have the last 2? Did I just get…
TAC 108
What… did you think would happen? This cover doesn’t bode well. Joe Rubenstein, Kyle Baker & Pat Redding all pitch in on inks alongside Brett Breeding this issue, and George Roussos swaps…
TAC 107
It’s All-New & All-Daring, folks. I had previously assumed this would be a pricey issue. $1.95. I guess it’s not historically considered that big a deal. And yet it was one of…
ASM Annual 19
Now here’s an extra weird case. I got this one in elementary school. It was at some kind of… bookshow or something? It was like a book convention or something, in a…
ASM 270
Back for more of this nonsense, with Bob McLeod tapping in to do finishes over Frenz’ breakdowns as Firelord bursts out of the water with his stick, ready for revenge. He recaps…
ASM 268
So you see, John Byrne’s covers for this issue and the previous one are one big image, which sort of makes it look like Spider-Man is teaming up with himself if you…