We’re back with Spider-Man falling to his death, as he so often does. Turns out, he just makes a big web net and bounces right back up. He finds out he’s emptied…
Tag: Flash Thompson
ASM 127
Just noticed the insides of the letters being black on the cover was actually done by someone with a pen, so you know this is gonna be a good one. The culprit?…
ASM 125
Really laying it on thick with that cover dialogue. This issue begins a long run on the title by penciler Ross Andru, and the last issue for inkers John Romita & Tony…
ASM 124
Boy, Spidey just can’t get away from werewolves! We’re told on the splash page it’s been 10 days since Gwen died, as we see Spider-Man swing by a newspaper stand on a…
ASM 123
Time to jump back to 1973, the Conway era, and the immediate aftermath of the deaths of Gwen Stacy & Norman Osborn. Gerry Conway still writing, John Romita & Tony Mortellaro on…
ASM 052
This is another of those cheap Heroes Con comics with water damage. As it was explained to me, it wasn’t that they’s gotten soaked or anything, but they’d been stored in a…
ASM 047
Ok, so this is maybe the weirdest post I’ll ever make. I sit down to read ASM 47, won off ebay in February, 2019. Open up this cover promising Kraven, and Spider-Man…
ASM 046
Who says?? Point ‘em out! This one can be hard to get at a reasonable price. This post originally discussed a reprint. But a stroke of luck delivered the original into my…
ASM 045
More reptile action! It’s gonna be hard to smash out with just one arm. My copies of this one and the last are in pretty rough shape, this one especially. I guess…
ASM 044
Kind of shockingly, issue 44 is just the 2nd appearance of The Lizard. We catch up with Peter Parker taking Aunt May to the train station to go on vacation. Her doctor’s…