I don’t think it’s the first, but this is one of several books I got in The Great eBay Hysteria of 2018 that didn’t come in a bag, so I recycled a…
Now here’s a mystery. Who is Susan K. Putney? The internet says she wrote a science fiction novel in 1972, and this in 1986, and… that’s it. How did that happen? She…
ASM 278
Striking cover. I wonder who did it? I can’t quite guess. And as the text suggests, The Scourge of The Underworld isn’t done with this title yet. In this era Tom DeFalco…
TAC 116
Rich Buckler makes a much appreciated return to join The Bobs on art duties this month. Look at those straight up Todd McFarlane eyes on the cover. We pick up from last…
TAC 115
Well, Mark Beachum’s back on pencils, so you know what that means. Bob McLeod inks, “D. Martin” colors. Still not sure who that is. Striking cover by someone or other. I really…
ASM 277
Here’s one of several Charles Vess-covered books I got signed by the man himself in 2019. That was a great con experience. This one has 2 stories, and the 2nd is written…
TAC 114
Mmmmmmaaaaan, that super clean Keith Pollard cover! So good! TAC’s weird thing of putting the credits on the last page right now is annoying. This is a fill-in by writer Len Kaminski,…
ASM 276
Pretty classic kind of cover, there. “Not… him!” Daring you not to put down your 75 cents, open the book and find out who. Random thought I had last block that I’m…
ASM 275
Just 25 issues after that passive-aggressive-seeming “special normal-sized 250th issue” blurb, an extra-sized 275. I have always thought it was funny when old comics called an issue “book length” and it’s, for…
WEB 015
It’s the introduction of Chance. I always assumed ASM 298 introduced him as a kid. It certainly did a good job of re-introducing him. For the first time in forever, the same…