Well, that escalated quickly. I can’t wait to see how this Z-lister manages to get over on both heroes like this. “My two greatest foes-slash-only foes!” We finally made it to an…
Nova 12
The Man Called Nova! Nova was supposed to be the new Spider-Man. I’ll wait for your laughter to die down. His first issue said “In the Marvelous Tradition of Spider-Man!” right on…
TAC 008
Oh, ok. Gonna be quite the margin of error on that one. Could Paul Gulacy have gotten Spidey’s web any more wrong here? We rejoin the story right where it left off…
TAC 007
The 70s are a pretty dark period for Marvel Comics, all told. There’s certainly bright spots, but a lot of the books were not too great, and there were other problems. Chief…
ASM Annual 11
ASM Annual was a book of nothing but reprints for a few years, but this issue is a return to the first story being original content. This one’s brought to you by…
MTU 058
Len Wein is killing me. I cut my first block from his run awkward and short because it picked up so many threads from the end of Conway’s and I didn’t want…
MTU 028
The stakes on this cover are so obvious that Spidey feels like he’s overselling it. What, like Herc would just drop it? I don’t know why there’s a sticker on there saying…
MTU 027
Spider-Man and the Hulk! Marvel’s most popular characters at this time, and yet, they still rarely appeared in the same book. This one’s banged up, and a previous owner wrote their name…
ASM 138
Boy, that’s a cover image. You guys know what madness means? Yeah, world, thanks a lot for the ability to perceive the conditions around me, real nice. But there’s no time for…
In addition to the resurgence of horror comics at the company, Marvel in the 70s is also characterized by diving headfirst into the new stuff happening in popular cinema. Cashing in on…