For the first time in a long time, I can tell you exactly where I got this comic. And when I first read it, which is not the same time. I first…
Tag: Wolverine
FF 374
3 non-standard titles in a row! And look at this! Should be a weird one. Still i what could charitably be called “one of the less popular runs of FF,” I guess…
UTS -1
Yes, it’s espionage as you like it with Peter Parker’s parents, but that’s not all! This is written by Roger Stern AND pencilled by John Romita, Sr.! This is worth doing the…
SM 12
Who could it be? Todd has only really set up one suspect. Jim Lee’s longtime collaborator Scott Williams is back to ink 2 pages this month, and one of them is obviously…
SM 11
This cover’s description of what happens inside isn’t really that exciting. Unless Spider-Man is gonna fight the press. This month, it’s just Rick Magyar pitching in on inks. Rick has a long…
SM 10
We’re back with Wolverine running to go save the hunters who shot Wendigo, thinking, among other things, “A few dead kids and all sense of reasoning disappears.” Yeah, man, it’s only a…
SM 09
This cover is almost incomprehensible. And even though I’ve stared at it enough to see it properly, I still see Wendigo with a big long cartoon nose and want to read the…
SM 08
Well, we’re back to 1991. Back to the birth of the speculator boom. Back to the era where flashy, artist-driven new #1s were driving sales of millions of copies for the first…
FF 349
“The World’s Most Collectable Comic Magazine!” Part of the gag of these issues is this period was characterized by Marvel’s most popular characters constantly popping up in other people’s titles in an…
FF 348
“The World’s Most Commercialist Comic Magazine!” Now here’s a famous cover. I assumed these issues were very valuable. Everyone knows about “The New Fantastic Four.” That coupled with my love of Art…