This is going to be pretty much exactly what it looks like, so just strap in. About to be a Purple Rain of pain on Spider-Man. It’s Peter David, Mark Beachum, Joe…
Tag: Joe Rubenstein
ASM 269
And there shall come a story so terrible, so inexplicable that it will be talked about decades from now, but not in the good way, like you want! The usual gang is…
ASM 268
So you see, John Byrne’s covers for this issue and the previous one are one big image, which sort of makes it look like Spider-Man is teaming up with himself if you…
ASM 266
Yes. The cover alone tells you this is going to be the worst issue of ASM of the 1980s. I guess that might sound extreme or hyperbolic, but… I mean, look at…
ASM 265
For a comic that will be introducing Silver Sable, this cover seems an odd choice. ASM is rendered by Ron Frenz and Joe Rubenstein this month. Inside, The Black Fox is fencing…
MTO Annual 2
I guess this is the 2nd appearance of Marvel Two-In-One here on the blog? The title which is like Marvel Team-Up, only starring The Thing instead of Spider-Man. But the 2 are…
SM 55
Which of these brand-new characters no one has yet developed any empathy for will DIE??? Fake Spider-Man? Evil Fake Spider-Man? Soul Patch The Hunter? YOU decide! For now, because obviously, they will reveal…
ASM 304
Starting with this issue, ASM is now on sale twice a month in the summertime, a trend that will continue for a few years. The other titles will jump on and off…
Marvel Vs. DC, Part 4
So, the event’s over, you’d think I’d be out of rambling to do. About 8 months after the event, DC published a 4-issue mini called DC/Marvel: All-Access by Ron Marz, Jackson “Butch”…
Marvel Vs. DC, Part 3
You know, you can say this crossover is a stunt, a gimmick, a giant cash grab, but let’s be honest, this is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to do some wacky stuff, and they…