Ladies & Gentlemen, the catastrophically embarrassing 1990s “bad girl” craze presents… Stunner. The female powerhouse who’s apparently been skipping leg day her entire life (And also, uh, torso day). Seems to be…
Tag: Doctor Octopus
Parallel Lives
It’s our first look at a “Marvel Graphic Novel” since The Death of Captain Marvel. These were slightly oversized (Like halfway between a regular comic and a Treasury Edition), extra-long, squarebound comics…
TAC 079
This one is from McKay’s, but that cover was way too cool to leave the sticker on. $1.25. Well, here we are. TAC has kinda been building to this since issue 73….
TAC 078
So we pick up early the morning after last issue. Doc Ock said he’d come kill Spidey & The Black Cat tonight, but there’s a whole day to get through first, and…
TAC 077
Alright. We took a break from this storyline to get caught up with the other titles, but it’s not over, so we’re back. And look, Daredevil’s sometimes friend, sometimes foe Gladiator is…
TAC 076
That’s an unusual amount of blood for a comic of this vintage! The difference between Milgrom’s full-service covers and interior pencils in this era is pretty striking. Prior to this, Black Cat…
TAC 075
Cataclysmic! Al Milgrom does breakdowns and Jim Mooney finishes as Spider-Man sweeps Black Cat up in a big embrace. At this point, it suddenly dawns on Spidey that she’s been alive the…
TAC 074
Pretty striking cover by Bob Hall. Peter horribly mistreating Deb is a saga! Who knew? Peter has been treating her like crap for over 4 years now, “and it’s all been leading…
TAC 073
This cover reminds me of TAC 51. Not really the same, but both have Spidey throwing down in space. As is the case surprisingly often, TAC has decided to just go off…
TAC 072
Doesn’t look like we’ll be waiting long. Are they in a fish tank? What am I looking at on this cover? It’s Bill Mantlo, Ed Hannigan and Al Milgrom at the boards…