Here we go with a pretty big team-up cast and the comic that famously inspired Brian Michael Bendis to create Jessica Jones’ backstory with the Purple Man. Frank Miller writes, Herb Trimpe…
TAC 058
John Byrne and Vince Colletta come through the endless revolving door of artists on this book this time. Apparently Marie Severin was meant to be the sole artist during this run, but…
ASM 220
It’s a fill-in issue, so all bets are off! “Ghost starring!” We got a story by Michael Fleisher, with pencils, inks & lettering all by Bob McLeod. Let’s see what they got….
TAC 057
It’s another one with Roger Stern writing, Jim Mooney inking, and Jim Shooter drawing layouts, which is still pretty crazy to me. Peter Parker is swinging home with a tux he rented…
MTU 109
David Kraft jumps back in to finish the story of Thermo, The Whatever-it-was Man. When last we saw our hero, he was being murdered by Thermo, The Lunchbox Thermos Man outside a…
MTU 108
MTU is still looking for a regular writer, it seems, as David Michelinie tags back in to script over a plot by editor Tom DeFalco. Herb Trimpe & Mike Esposito stay on…
ASM 219
Frank Miller got him looking more like Lil’ Petey Parker on the cover. Penciler Luke McDonnell joins Deny O’Neil and inker Jim Mooney for this issue, which opens with Spider-Man breaking into…
MTU 107
You think someone really counted all the panels? I’m not about to. This is another 77 for $44 book. It’s still Tom Defalco, Herb Trimpe & Mike Esposito, with Jim Shooter helping…
TAC 056
This one is noteworthy for a couple of things. First, it features pencil layouts by Jim Shooter. At this time, Shooter is the controversial but undeniably great Editor-in-Chief of Marvel Comics, presiding…
MTU 106
This is yet another of the 77 MTUs I got for $44. After 2 months of Hulk & Ka-Zar, MTU is back to being the Spider-Man title it’s supposed to be. And…