Certain people on the internet would have you believe this cover was from a failed Spider-Man movie or TV show, but don’t be fooled, gang. Marvel did a whole bunch of photo…
Author: spiderdewey
MTU 150
This somber cover brought to you by one of comics’ true fine artists, Barry Windsor-Smith. Poor Spidey looks so sad up in the corner box. By 1984, there’s no question that Spider-Man…
TAC 099
Well, there’s that. If you don’t know The Spot, you see what you’re in for. The Spot is testing his powers, which allow him to put a black hole in the air…
TAC 098
Now there’s a cover that sells a comic. Could this be the end for Spidey & Black Cat? We kick off with the typical Al Milgrom recap pages, Spider-Man swinging around telling…
MTU 149
In this era where cover artists weren’t credited, sometimes it’s hard to know who did what. I dunno who did this, but check out that John Romita, Sr. impression, wow. Nailed the…
MTU 148
That’s a great cover. Been noticing that when he inks himself in this period, Al Milgrom does a lot more webs on the suit than everyone else. Also, he’s writing and drawing…
TAC 097
Doesn’t sound as exciting as Enter The Dragon. Speaking of not exciting, Herb Trimpe is here on pencils. Why? At least Jim Mooney will smother him in the same faux John Romita,…
TAC 096
This issue, TAC continues to really be at odds with what’s going on in ASM, trying to hit the same story beats first. This one came out a month before ASM 260,…
ASM 261
Ladies & gentlemen, Charles Vess! Charles Vess’ gorgeous art would just randomly grace Spidey covers on occasion in this era. He will later provide interiors for an issue of ASM and even…
ASM 260
Where’s the light coming from on the bottom of Hobby’s arm? My oft-mentioned “The Saga of the Alien Costume” trade ended with ASM 259, because Spidey was out of the alien costume,…