Here’s one of several Charles Vess-covered books I got signed by the man himself in 2019. That was a great con experience. This one has 2 stories, and the 2nd is written…
Tag: Kingpin
ASM 275
Just 25 issues after that passive-aggressive-seeming “special normal-sized 250th issue” blurb, an extra-sized 275. I have always thought it was funny when old comics called an issue “book length” and it’s, for…
ASM 274
You know it’s serious when they give the ad pages to the story. You also know it’s serious because the inside front & back cover are a poster of the front cover….
ASM 249
$8.50 feels pretty steep.I wonder if I paid it. No idea, at this point.Random John Byrne cover. Kingpin sure is getting around in the Spider-Man books lately for a villain who’s kinda…
ASM 163
This cover is by Dave Cockrum & John Romita, but it’s hard to see any evidence of Cockrum. Maybe he just laid it out. As this issue begins, I have nothing but…
ASM 085
Lofty claims for what seems like a pretty obvious reveal! They do a very special “previously on” kind of splash to make sure you see Vanessa recognizing The Schemer even if you…
ASM 084
Literally pulling the rug out from under him! This month, we’re back to Romita doing layouts, Buscema penciling and Mooney inking. So much upheaval. On a snowy night, Spider-Man is reading The…
ASM 083
Old time enemy is a funny choice of words. He’s here and he’s schemin’! And Mike Esposito is back on inks, so a lot of the polish of recent issues is gone….
ASM 072
26 issues since his last appearance, it’s shockin’ time. Kingpin was introduced in #50 and has already come back twice, where’s Shocker been all that time? Or Rhino, for that matter? This…
ASM 071
Quicksilver, eh? It’ll be interesting to see how he fits into this. Innovator & Illustrator credits continue. Since last issue, our man’s gone home, and the bullet holes in his shirt have…