This post is a special crossover with the main site here at Comics From Space!, where I finished The Official Marvel Comics Try-Out Book. Over several posts, it discusses this famous comics…
Tag: J. Jonah Jameson
ASM 223
It’s Denny O’Neil’s last issue of ASM, and he’s only sort of here. JM DeMatteis scripts over an O’Neil plot, while John Romita, Jr. and Al Milgrom start us off with a…
ASM 222
I wish this one was a different cover concept, because it’s Frank Miller inked by Walt Simonson, and that sounds weird, and I’d like a clearer picture of their Spider-Man. This one’s…
MTU 110
Team-Up time. Same art team as usual recently, with Herb Trimpe credited with the plot to this one, and David Michelinie back on the script. As the story opens, Spider-Man swings over…
ASM Annual 15
It’s another annual, this one by Denny O’Neil, Frank Miller & Klaus Janson. So, Miller & Janson are currently doing Daredevil monthly, for editor Denny O’Neil. But Miller and sometimes Janson are…
TAC Annual 03
The final fate of the Man-Wolf, eh? Seems unlikely! David Kraft writes, Jim Sherman & Allen Weiss pencil, Steve Mitchell inks. Page one, Man-Wolf is on the loose! We’ve not seen him…
MTU Annual 4
Here we go with a pretty big team-up cast and the comic that famously inspired Brian Michael Bendis to create Jessica Jones’ backstory with the Purple Man. Frank Miller writes, Herb Trimpe…
ASM 220
It’s a fill-in issue, so all bets are off! “Ghost starring!” We got a story by Michael Fleisher, with pencils, inks & lettering all by Bob McLeod. Let’s see what they got….
TAC 057
It’s another one with Roger Stern writing, Jim Mooney inking, and Jim Shooter drawing layouts, which is still pretty crazy to me. Peter Parker is swinging home with a tux he rented…
MTU 109
David Kraft jumps back in to finish the story of Thermo, The Whatever-it-was Man. When last we saw our hero, he was being murdered by Thermo, The Lunchbox Thermos Man outside a…