Hulk! This issue starts a bit of controversy, believe it or not. Larsen credits the others as “Letter Artist” and “Color Artist” this month, a fine choice of words that should be…
Tag: Doctor Octopus
SM 18
Yes, another 6-part story. Yes, another story full of guest stars. A crazy year for Spider-Man as comics really start to change. Erik Larsen is obviously back and ready to follow up…
ASM 003
The diabolical debut of Dr. Octopus! The splash calls him “the strangest foe of all time!” and also promises an appearance by The Human Torch. Stan’s starting to find Spider-Man’s voice. But…
TAC Annual 01
Collector’s Item! So rare and so special that you can get a copy for $3.70 on at the time of this writing. Ock being gold on this cover makes an already…
ASM Annual 13
They guarantee it! Let’s see how that goes. After a brief return to reprints for Annual 12, the book is back with all-new material this year. We got Marv Wolfman with the…
ASM 159
This one’s called “Arm In Arm In Arm In Arm In Arm In Arm With Doctor Octopus.” Really. We find Spidey & Doc Ock striking a surprising truce to deal with Hammerhead….
ASM 158
This is one of the most unintentionally funny Spider-Man covers of all time. Hammerhead legit doing spooky ghost hands! What a crazy one. I guess it would certainly entice you to buy…
ASM 157
So, a year and a half ago, when we left off with ASM 156 (Not too big a gap, right?), Dock Ock revealed himself to be alive to Aunt May in spite…
TAC 175
Very informative, cover copy, thank you. I wonder why Ock’s suit is green on the covers and white inside. WIth this issue, David Mchelinie is the sole credited writer, and that certainly…
TAC 174
It’s been awhile since a supervillain menaced MJ. I may be forgetting, but this might be only the 2nd time since they got married. This month, the script over Conway’s plot is…