Yeah, so, at this point, Dr. Octopus has been killed and replaced. And it’s dumb and I’m not even going to talk about it if I don’t have to, because we’ll see…
Tag: Doctor Octopus
Perilously close to the oft-mentioned crossover now, but we gotta hit our first issue of Spider-Man Unlimited. Ninety cents! What a deal. Never read this one, so I have no idea what…
ASM 297
For the record, I have no memory of buying or ever reading ASM 296 & 297. I think I’ve had them for many years, but I don’t really know. Some evidence suggests…
ASM 296
That cover copy feels really perfunctory. “Force of Arms.” What’s that got to do with this weird image? I’m also very interested by the “1985” next to John Byrne’s signature. This cover…
Superman Vs. The Amazing Spider-Man
That’s right, gang: Spider-Man’s most surprising team-up ever! $2.00 back when comics cost a quarter! This was a pretty big deal for its time, and it seems like this sort of crossover…
ASM 115
Aunt May: Assassin is the little-known prequel to Elektra: Assassin. So! Spidey’s knocked out, Ock knows he’s here, Aunt May is here. Seems like a good time for Hammerhead to come through…
ASM 114
It’s action from page one this month as Hammerhead’s goons open fire on Spider-Man over Doc Ock’s unconscious body. Spidey swings around and handily dispatches the goons, and then has a go…
ASM 112
What a cover! What could drive our man to give up on the world? Let’s find out. For a 2nd issue in a row, John Romita is credited before Gerry Conway, as…
ASM 090
This one I got off eBay, but not in the Great Ebay Madness of 2018. I got this one when eBay was still a pretty new idea. Back around the turn of…
ASM 089
This one I’ve had for many years, but I can’t honestly remember the details of its acquisition. I know I got 90 first, and then wanted to get this one for reasons…