Wolverine is all face on this cover. This was one of Finch’s early weaknesses, he drew people’s heads too small, like there wasn’t enough room in their skull for a brain. I…
Tag: Colossus
UXM 36 & 37
Look at those claws. Starting around the mid-90s, making Wolverine have claws so long that they couldn’t possibly retract back into his arm became fashionable, and it stayed that way. You know,…
USM 044
I assume Spider-Man really falls to his death for a change in this issue. Let’s find out. It’s been a bit since I did that riff. It’s been a bit since Spider-Man…
Sure are a lot of guest stars in these early issues of the relaunch. Marrow, of all people. Returning the favor for her team-up with Spidey in Uncanny X-Men 346, presumably. So…
WEB 075
I think this one came off eBay. I got a lot of issues here and there pretty cheap as I was slowly filling in the collection. It’s funny, this started out as…
WEB 074
I’ve talked about having the 2nd part of various recent 2-parters from my youth, but this one’s worse. For some reason, I had part 2 of this 4-part story, and that’s it….
WEB 073
Oh, look. It’s The Headmen, those weird lames from the issue of She-Hulk Spidey was in. And, look, this issue is written by John Byrne, so that checks out. Byrne is on…
MTU 150
This somber cover brought to you by one of comics’ true fine artists, Barry Windsor-Smith. Poor Spidey looks so sad up in the corner box. By 1984, there’s no question that Spider-Man…
MTU 118
To my surprise, this is a direct continuation of last issue. Usually when a MTU plot is continued, they just kinda have Spidey bump into somebody else on the same case or…