Another very famous cover from this period. But who’s gonna die? Stan’s back to “Author” this month, but the credits are otherwise unchanged. The switch from Heck & Esposito to Mooney has…
ASM 074
Welcome back to How Shady Will The Credits Be Today? Silvermane straight up drinking out of a beaker can’t be good. After a surprisingly long time in suspense, the deal behind the…
ASM 073
Man. Mountain. Marko. Those words made it out of Stan Lee’s head and onto a printed comic book that other people could see. Hard to believe, but true. The funniest thing, tho,…
ASM 072
26 issues since his last appearance, it’s shockin’ time. Kingpin was introduced in #50 and has already come back twice, where’s Shocker been all that time? Or Rhino, for that matter? This…
ASM 071
Quicksilver, eh? It’ll be interesting to see how he fits into this. Innovator & Illustrator credits continue. Since last issue, our man’s gone home, and the bullet holes in his shirt have…
ASM 070
So, I’m at that fateful 2018 Heroes Con where I learned to my shock that I could find affordable Silver Age comics. I’ve been in every “Silver Age ½ Price” bin on…
ASM 069
Someone has stamped “NOV 25” on Spidey’s eye. Looks like a library stamp. But why? No further stamps seem to appear on the issue anywhere. I enjoy the mystery of old used…
ASM 068
Another famous cover. How many products has that Spider-Man appeared on over the decades? Suddenly: Transparency. Of a sort. This month, Romita is credited with “storyboards,” while Jim Mooney is credited with…
ASM Annual 05
Pretty unusual cover for this historic issue. For a 2nd year in a row, this annual is drawn by Stan’s brother, Larry Leiber, and inked by Mike Esposito. John Romita is credited…
Spectacular Spider-Man 2
Now in full color! I’ve been wanting to read this for decades! It’s been hard not to read it since I got it during The Great Ebay Hysteria of 2018, but I…