Another blast from the past. Like The Lizard, it’s been a surprisingly long time since The Vulture appeared. 30 issues, to be exact. Let’s see what he’s up to. It’s snowing out,…
DD 027
Hey, this is different! Daredevil! Would that it were truly the end of The Masked Marauder. We know better, though, having dealt with “Big M” quite awhile ago in TAC. This issue…
ASM 047
Ok, so this is maybe the weirdest post I’ll ever make. I sit down to read ASM 47, won off ebay in February, 2019. Open up this cover promising Kraven, and Spider-Man…
ASM 046
Who says?? Point ‘em out! This one can be hard to get at a reasonable price. This post originally discussed a reprint. But a stroke of luck delivered the original into my…
ASM 045
More reptile action! It’s gonna be hard to smash out with just one arm. My copies of this one and the last are in pretty rough shape, this one especially. I guess…
ASM 044
Kind of shockingly, issue 44 is just the 2nd appearance of The Lizard. We catch up with Peter Parker taking Aunt May to the train station to go on vacation. Her doctor’s…
ASM Annual 03
This cover sure promises a crazy story. The art on this one is a meeting of the minds behind the respective properties. Layouts are provided by Romita, with full pencils by Avengers…
ASM 043
The Rhino is like a house guest that refuses to leave. We get it, you bump your head on stuff, when is Doc Ock coming back? Romita remains the only credited artist….
ASM 042
I find this amusing. Who’s the guy in the cover? Couldn’t tell ya, never read it. But I’ve known my whole comic readin’ life that this is a crucial issue for the…
ASM 041
Time travel is real, and we are back in 1966! To go from the absolute nadir of Spider-Man history back to the glory days is enough to make your head spin, but…