Stop trying to make The Enforcers happen! They’re a low-rent carnival act! Literally no one but Ditko could possibly make them work. “Deadlier than ever!” There was nowhere to go but up!…
Category: Uncategorized
ASM 181
It seems like Kingpin’s floating head somehow knows he’s in that smoke. “THE ____ AND THE ____!” is one of the many Stan Lee-isms that got driven right into the ground in…
MTU 070
One of 77. I’ma keep it real witchu, chief: I do not expect to agree with that caption! Let’s have a look at what was going on in some other Marvel comics…
MTU 069
One of 77. Still Claremont & Byrne again, although now Byrne is being butchered by an inker credited as “R. Villamonte.” I note with some interest the library-looking “Mar 21” stamped over…
MTU 068
One of 77. Bob Wiacek on inks this month. I know it’s classic Marvel style to hit you with an exciting first page and then wind back the clock, but this one…
MTU 067
Weird application of zip-a-tone on Spidey’s head. Tigra with black hair is kind of jarring. And it’s a Kraven story, so this’ll be fun. Just kidding! This is another one I read…
TAC 018
The thick outline around Spider-Man compared to the others is a weird choice, but always nice to see a Gil Kane cover. As we rejoin the action, Spider-Man and Angel are… running…
TAC 017
$5.50! I musta been out of my mind! McKay’s is so weird. They’ll give you most comics really cheap, they’ll give you a perfectly good comic for 75 cents, and then they’ll…
TAC 016
This is a one-off by Elliot S! Maggin, Sal Buscema & Mike Esposito. It’s pretty much all action from page one as Spidey happens on a motorcycle cop chasing a speeding car. …
MTU 066
A single, individual dollar! This is the first appearance of Murder World. Auspicious. The boys wake up in clear plastic globes, which turn out to be inside a giant pinball table, because…