It is the opinion of this blog that there are no good Kraven The Hunter stories, even the one everyone loves, but this does not seem like it’s going to be one…
Author: spiderdewey
ASM 228
It’s a fill-in! I’ve never read it. When I was collecting the Stern/JRJR run, I found out this wasn’t them and skipped it. But I have it now. Terrible cover by Mike…
The Death of Captain Marvel
So, this isn’t a Spider-Man comic, but it happens right about now-ish, and Spidey has a famous scene in it. I’m not gonna cover the whole thing, just the Spider-Man part. This…
MTU 116
Today’s adventure begins with The Valkyrie flying around on her flying horse. The Valkyrie is Brunnhilde, an actual figure from Norse myth and leader of, well, The Valkyries in the Marvel U,…
MTU 115
This is one of a few in the collection that comes from a magical place called McKay’s. It’s a giant used everything store. If you need the new Spider-Man game, a PS2…
TAC 64
Spidey looks more like he’s just flopping around like a ragdoll there. Our first issue of TAC in a minute is one very recently acquired. It’s the debut of Cloak & Dagger,…
Marvel Fanfare 2
Given how last issue ended, this cover doesn’t bode well for our man. I guess. You can barely tell what’s supposed to be happening. Not the best cover we’ve seen. We somehow…
Marvel Fanfare 1
Hey, kids, it’s Marvel Fanfare! A place where creators could do short stories outside the main line of books. Often a showcase for great talents too busy, too slow or just not…
ASM 227
That certainly doesn’t look good for the budding romance that began last issue. This is the first one in awhile where the same creative team from last issue continues unaltered this time,…
ASM 226
This month, Jim Mooney tags in on inks. The Black Cat hasn’t been seen in these parts since way back in ASM 205, that only the 2nd story she ever appeared in,…