I still feel a little weird about running the 90s retcons with the actual 60s stuff, but I must say, it gives me some variety switching back and forth, and that’s nice….
Tag: Vulture
ASM 002
For most of these earliest issues, I have these. Some newspaper, I have now forgotten which, ran these reprints of the earliest Spider-Man stories in 2006. Each full-length issue of Amazing Spider-Man…
SSM 18
So, wait, is the DK thing not over? What’s going on? Whatever, look, cover credits! DC had been doing this for years before Marvel finally got on board. Cover credits are cool…
SSM 17
Pulling issues out of the box for this block, I assumed issues 16 & 17 of SSM were standalone issues looking at the covers. You literally can’t judge a book by its…
SSM 16
Follow-up question: Why is there a new Prowler? Perhaps we’ll find out in this tale by Todd DeZago, Mike Weiringo, Richard Case and Gregory Wright. Did “the accident” happen off-panel? Is it…
SMU 10
Those are some mighty long limbs on The Vulture, there, Shawn McManus. Did I buy this back then? I might have.The bag sure looks it. I guess because it was part of…
TAC 005
Things look bad for our hero! But will they actually get so bad inside? We’ll see. On the splash, everyone reiterates where things left off, Hitman about to kill Spider-Man just to…
TAC 004
I mean… maybe. But this particular Vulture sure isn’t. Dave Cockrum is supplying covers for both ancillary Spider-Man titles now. I wonder why. Maybe he just really wanted to draw Spidey and…
ASM 065
This month, Jim Mooney takes over penciling & inking, and the credit under Lee & Romita is “artistically aided by Jim (Madman) Mooney.” Doing the vast majority of the work, here! But…
ASM 064
During The Great Ebay Hysteria of 2018, I quickly found I could get most issues in this range for under $10 if I was vigilant and not too picky. But for some…