That’s right, True Believer, they got Stan to script this one, his first Spidey script in 12 years! And it is often very weird! Also featuring a plot by Tom DeFalco, breakdowns…
Tag: Marla Madison
ASM 232
It was years and years before I obtained and read the end of this 2-parter. It’s one of those weird things about decades of collecting comics. I read ASM 231, I’m sure,…
ASM 231
This one’s been with me for a long time… but where’d it come from? I’m not sure. It’s pretty beat up. Feels like it didn’t come from a store. Like it was…
TAC 066
Crazy cover by Hannigan & Milgrom. The abstract expression of Manhattan below just using text is really cool. Big, random shoutout to Epic Illustrated, Marvel’s creator owned imprint of the time, too….