Whoever bagged this put a sticker on the back declaring its grade VGFN 6. Let it be known. If anyone were to ask me who my favorite X-Man is, I would answer…
ASM 160
Oh this cover confuses me. Why? Who said, “We’re doing a very silly story this month, let’s make the cover a direct reference to one of the most memorable, serious ASM stories…
MTU 051
One of the 77. Various reasons have made me take 6 days to read this 4-parter, and it’s begun to feel like it’s dragged on too long. The days where I didn’t…
MTU 050
Big issue 50! Weird Gil Kane cover! Doc’s got a strange face. After a trippy splash of Wraith taunting the Spider-Man, Iron Man & Dr. Strange, we get right into it. Jean…
MTU 049
Unusual to see zip-a-tone like that on a Spidey cover, especially in this period. Looks cool, tho. So, after last issue, Iron Man is in a crater he made in the street,…
MTU 048
Not sure there’s ever a fine night for dying, cover copy. That distinctly 70s Kirby Iron Man in the corner box is a little jarring. His 70s style is so different. Seeing…
ASM Annual 10
The Human Fly! I knew this guy was called that. Later appearances have strictly called him The Fly, and I began to wonder why I wanted to put “human” in there. Had…
ASM 159
This one’s called “Arm In Arm In Arm In Arm In Arm In Arm With Doctor Octopus.” Really. We find Spidey & Doc Ock striking a surprising truce to deal with Hammerhead….
ASM 158
This is one of the most unintentionally funny Spider-Man covers of all time. Hammerhead legit doing spooky ghost hands! What a crazy one. I guess it would certainly entice you to buy…
ASM 157
So, a year and a half ago, when we left off with ASM 156 (Not too big a gap, right?), Dock Ock revealed himself to be alive to Aunt May in spite…