This comic is very weird for a very specific reason wholly unique to my copy: The spine is missing, but it’s somehow not falling apart. I really don’t know what’s going on…
Category: Uncategorized
MTU 087
Hey, it’s me, and tonight I am apparently reading a comic where Black Panther machine guns Spider-Man with a “broken glass” gun from a helicopter. I feel like this is a pitch…
Time for Spidey’s 3rd adventure with The Punisher. Spider-Man has seemed uncharacteristically cool with Frank so far, and this cover certainly seems to indicate that will continue. But also, what’s going on…
ASM 141
Could it be that everyone but Mysterio here is… an ILLUSION? Could it be that, despite our desire to trust, things are not what they seem? Let’s see if that’s what happens…
ASM 139
We are back to 1974. Back to Gerry Conway, Ross Andru, Frank Giacoia & Dave Hunt, back to the ongoing mystery of The Jackal, and just in time to meet… The Grizzly….
WEB 071
With this issue, Gerry Conway is officially off Web. He’s semi-done with Spectacular, too, but we’ll get to that. And, look, the return of both Dominic Fortune and artist Dave Hoover to…
WEB 066
Boy, it feels like forever since Mark Raxton came back to the book with all these other shenanigans going on. Tombstone filling 3 of the boxes up there is funny. Page one…
TAC 103
Now there’s a cover! Who could resist finding out what this is all about? Inside, new regular writer Peter David makes his debut. We’ve actually seen the end of his run since…
ASM 265
For a comic that will be introducing Silver Sable, this cover seems an odd choice. ASM is rendered by Ron Frenz and Joe Rubenstein this month. Inside, The Black Fox is fencing…
TAC 008
Oh, ok. Gonna be quite the margin of error on that one. Could Paul Gulacy have gotten Spidey’s web any more wrong here? We rejoin the story right where it left off…