Kill! Luke Ross & Dan Green are back so Luke can do his own Todd McFarlane Spider-Man instead of having Deodato do it (Better than him!), thank you very much. Well, Calypso…
Tag: Kraven The Hunter
TAC 252
I cannot believe… I am being made to read… YET ANOTHER… comic about Spider-Man having a hallucinating nightmare… with a Kraven… by JM DeMatteis. The universe is cruel. We’re back in late…
ASM 018
The story you never expected to read, but will read with remarkable frequency in the coming decades! The splash is mostly JJJ grinning like a goon in front of his expose on…
ASM Annual 01
This is ASM Annual 6, but it reprints the first one, so I saved myself a zillion dollars. I never really thought much of it before, but I think the Sinister Six…
ASM 015
I saw a copy of a Stan Lee script not too long ago. His scripts were written to the letterer, since he was scripting from completed pencils. For the caption boxes, where…
MTU 067
Weird application of zip-a-tone on Spidey’s head. Tigra with black hair is kind of jarring. And it’s a Kraven story, so this’ll be fun. Just kidding! This is another one I read…
Soul of the Hunter
Surprise. It’s a sequel to Kraven’s Last Hunt. Fashionably late, this is. And, actually, it was published almost a year in the future, but it turns out it goes here. I wonder…
TAC 002
Boy, in the history of comic book covers, this sure is one of them. Not great! Same team with the same credits as last issue. And the complicated continuity continues, as this…
SSM Annual ’96
75 cents! How could you not? I mean, this is probably gonna be awful, but how could you not? I happily didn’t for $2.95 in 1996 dollars, but 75 cents now? A…
ASM Annual ’96
The appearance of this comic at this time is SO jarring. Extremely un-90s Ron Frenz art, a cover full of dead people, 2 versions of the real Spider-Man. Very left field. Also…