Well, well. I haven’t read one of these in like a month. But I’m over a year ahead of when they post, so no one would ever know. But I’m back, and…
Category: Uncategorized
Spider-Man: Mayhem In Manhattan
Sorta half way through this set comes this oddity. As the remit of this blog is obviously comic books, one would think a novel outside my purview. And beyond that, one would…
TAC 015
Oh my goodness, is Spider-Man going to lift a heavy thing?? Now with 500% more bacon! Ernie Chan is now embellishing and Sam Kato is coloring as we head into the finale…
TAC 014
Bacon Man is still in the building. I don’t even wanna dignify the title with an acknowledgement. A “J. Tartas” pitches in with the usual guys on line art, and Irene Vartanoff…
TAC 013
I mean, where to start. As if the villains from last issue weren’t dopey enough, we get this. Love the hook “I’m invulnerable from the back.” Well, you have 3 other sides,…
TAC 012
We return to the fledgling Spectacular Spider-Man, rounding out its first year on the stands. It hasn’t exactly been essential reading so far, and this cover sure doesn’t have me excited. No…
MTU 064
Boy, that cover coloring is unfortunate. Misty looks like a hate crime. Twice! You can see in Colleen’s hair & shading that something’s just gone very wrong with brown here, in general,…
MTU 063
We return to the Chris Claremont/John Byrne run of MTU. I finally looked up the hard dates. This, their 5th issue together, is cover date November 1977. The famous Claremont/Byrne run of…
ASM 425
ANOTHER oversized issue! Sheesh! It’s a wraparound cover. Here’s the back: On page one, Spider-Man saves a guy from a mugging while listing his powers for some reason, and then the splash…
SMU 10
Those are some mighty long limbs on The Vulture, there, Shawn McManus. Did I buy this back then? I might have.The bag sure looks it. I guess because it was part of…