The Spectacular Spider-Blob! I wonder how you draw like this. Like when you’re sketching out the figure… do you just close your eyes and make random shapes and then commit? “That’s a…
Tag: Scorpion
ASM V2 1
Aaaand we’re back! Boy, I missed literally anyone writing Spider-Man but Byrne, who is obviously here as artist. If you didn’t recognize his art style, you could tell from Spidey’s eyes being…
SMU 22
Can’t wait to see how much stuff Deodato swipes from other artists this time. The art team is joined by Mark Bernardo to close out this series. Who’s coming to defeat these…
ASM 029
Good advice, but I don’t think it would’ve helped Spider-Man avoid getting to this point. My copy of this book is in pretty bad shape, but that’s how I like ‘em, cuz…
SMU 01
It’s here. My dread built with every issue last time we hit this period, but it can’t be avoided: Maximum Carnage. An absolutely misguided 14-issue disaster that forced me to buy all…
ASM 020
Good cover! That first iteration of Scorpion’s tail just seems so underwhelming in light of later ones. I mean, I came in with Todd McFarlane putting a blade on it. He’s the…
ASM 370
Tantalizing! The clues are now tantalizing! I have trouble remembering my own reaction to all this. I suspect I was just kind of going with the flow. I know exactly how I…
ASM 146
A caption on page one notes this ends Gerry Conway’s 3rd year on the title. They say it’s all downhill from here. I wonder if they knew 149 would be his last…
ASM 145
The Scorpion tends to sting a lot of times per appearance, in my experience. No mistaking that Gil Kane cover. After the wild end of last issue, things don’t seem to have…
ASM 343
I was always puzzled by the use of “mo’ foes” there. It has only just occurred to me that maybe they wanted me to read that as “mofos” and not in the…