Oooo, that image is not high quality. How did that happen? Probably not obvious in the picture, but it’s visibly pixellated Ouch. I guess the early days of digital were a learning…
Tag: Flash Thompson
Hobgoblin Lives 2
A very old school Hobgoblin there on the cover. This month, Jerome Moore and Scott Hanna are on inks and/or finishes (You never know with Frenz, and last issue sure did look…
TAC 206
Ok, so, Tombstone killed Spider-Man last issue. For sure. We come back to that same moment, and he recaps how he did it, and then Black Cat swoops in and attacking him…
TAC 205
Well, that’s not a very nice way to go. Lance Bannon has arrived on the scene as, around the corner, Flash continues to defend that ambulance. For all the good that’s gonna…
TAC 204
I wonder if Sal was like “Oh yeah, this guy. Been a long time.” Tombstone was big business when Gerry Conway was around, and after he left, people started using him in…
TAC 203
This cover has made me laugh for 30 years. This cover just feels fed up to me. “I’m sick of drawing this crap, WHATEVER, Carnage face!” I can’t know where Sal was…
SM 37
Need a giant asterisk by that bottom blurb. I mean, ok, Captain America would fit that bill, but… who are they kidding? It’s JM DeMatteis’ turn on Spider-Man, and this month, Tom…
ASM 380
Venom and his pals! Spider-Man who? This feels like someone was like “Kids like Venom & Carnage, we have to make sure their names are on the cover.” “But… but they are,…
WEB 103
Watching Alex Saviuk adapt to the 90s-ification of comics is kind of a bummer. He was kind of the last of the old school, the last newish guy to be doing the…
SM 36
Because Venom was so nice before. It’s taken them half the crossover to get the weapons they know work on symbiotes, let’s see if that changes anything. This month, it’s Terry Kavanagh’s…