Well, that’s not a very nice way to go. Lance Bannon has arrived on the scene as, around the corner, Flash continues to defend that ambulance. For all the good that’s gonna do.

Is.. is Flash an EMT or something? Shouldn’t someone have told me? Spidey appears just in time, and Tombstone throws Flash at him to escape in the ambulance. Spider-Man doesn’t even know who it is at first. We then abruptly cut to MJ waking up the next morning to find Peter still in costume, staring at his mask in his hands, saying Flash was almost killed and he had to take him to the hospital. MJ offers to make breakfast while chastising him not to blame himself for this.

So he is an EMT? When did this happen??? I read every title! How could this have somehow slipped past me? The wiki just says “while working as an ambulance driver…” What? When? I mean the whole point of this is to read every issue. I couldn’t have missed him changing jobs. Did Steve Grant just decide Flash is an EMT, and act like we all already know it? This is crazy.

Well, that’s a shock. But the fact that they got kicked out in an issue of TAC I didn’t read may explain me not remembering how they moved out of Harry’s building. Well, uh, anyway, Tombstone has stormed into the council of mob bosses mentioned last issue and demanded his seat at the table. Kaska, the one who kept him off the council, tells him if he kills Spider-Man for them, he can have a seat. When Tombstone leaves, planning to kill Spider-Man and then everyone on the council, Kaska rightly mentions Spider-Man always beats Tombstone, so there’s nothing to worry about. Elsewhere, Peter Parker is at The Bugle, looking for leads on Tmobstone. JJJ is too busy plotting to use Lance’s pictures to claim Spider-Man caused the explosion last night, and Peter’s in no mood and leaves. Robbie is looking for him, saying Nick Katzenberg is looking for him. JJJ says Katzenberg has a lot of nerve calling there, so I guess he’s no longer employed by The Bugle, tho, again, we didn’t see that. Also, does JJJ run the paper now? He was off on “Now Magazine” for so long. Well, anyway, Spider-Man’s swingin’ around and sees Black Cat, and decides to follow her. Somehow, she knows right where Tombstone is, and as she begins her attack, she makes her first “cross a black cat’s path” reference in ages.

Spidey and Tombstone get right into it across 2 pages of bi Buscema action and non-stop wisecracks before Spider-Man tackles them both through a wall.

That was abrupt. Oh, there’s a 2nd story this issue. Weird. It’s by Grant, Walter McDaniel, Sam DeLaRosa and Michael Higgins, and it begins with JJJ crowing to the staff about Lance’s photos from before.

Alrighty. So they go to lunch and everyone but JJJ is in a hurry to get back to the office when their server overhears where they work and says she can’t start her day without The Bugle.

I guess hilariously oversexualizing Marla isn’t just for Luke Ross! Where is this going? I guess we’ll find out.