Part 2 of this insane storyline. Same staff as the previous one. Page one, Spider-Man is laid out in the snow. Claremont’s typically flowery prose says he was, “in a word, murdered.”…
Tag: Boomerang
TAC 145
First question: Why is the chain around his neck a different color than the rest? Second question: Seriously, what’s up with his crotch area? That doesn’t look right at all. This one…
TAC 144
It’s never exciting to see Boomerang. How is Spidey surviving this cover? Shouldn’t his face be burned off? I mean, I’ll give it to Sal for considering that his boot jets are…
TAC 078
So we pick up early the morning after last issue. Doc Ock said he’d come kill Spidey & The Black Cat tonight, but there’s a whole day to get through first, and…
TAC 073
This cover reminds me of TAC 51. Not really the same, but both have Spidey throwing down in space. As is the case surprisingly often, TAC has decided to just go off…
SMU 12
We’re back to Spider-Man Unlimited, and it awkwardly came out in the middle of the Blood Brothers crossover even though it’s not part of it. I’m having trouble deciding where it goes….
TAC 067
What lurks behind Ed Hannigan’s Frank Miller impression? Seems like a lot! It’s been a minute since I’ve seen a Spectacular. This one’s by writer Bill Mantlo, penciler Ed Hannigan, inker Al…