Well, the Spider-books have made it to issue 12, and comics love an anniversary, so they’re all extra-sized, extra-priced spectaculars. And ASM & PPSM are a 2-part Sinister Six event. And they…
Tag: Sandman
ASM V2 8
We continue in fantasy world from last issue. Now Flash is trying to disarm a comically huge bomb as Spider-Man must battle a literal army of goons said to be working for…
ASM V2 4
Did this cover get zoomed in on or something? Feels weird. Trapster being cut in half is what really gets me, it just doesn’t feel intentional. The opening splash and a following…
Chapter One 12
Guaranteed not to be fabulous! I have reached the end of my torment. Only one more issue to freedom. And look, Sandman’s finally shown up. Well, we begin with JJJ delighted by…
WEB 108
Let’s get to know this lame villain. Maybe they’ll even bother to tell me who Quicksand is along the way. 2nd issue in a row that starts with 2 consecutive splash pages,…
WEB 107
Is this issue promising THREE sand-based characters? Anakin Skywalker would be furious. And I only know who one of them is, so I hope they catch me up.We’re once again in for…
SSM 26
Todd Nauck is filling on Sensational again, so get read for more weird looking, stumpy versions of your favorite characters. Andrew Henessey inks. Sandman/Hydro-Man. I wonder how often this match up has…
ASM 019
TWO Enforcers appearances in 5 issues! Madness. Banking everything on a cowboy, a tiny mobster, and a big dumb dude. We open on some dudes robbing a bank in broad daylight and…
ASM 018
The story you never expected to read, but will read with remarkable frequency in the coming decades! The splash is mostly JJJ grinning like a goon in front of his expose on…
ASM Annual 01
This is ASM Annual 6, but it reprints the first one, so I saved myself a zillion dollars. I never really thought much of it before, but I think the Sinister Six…