We continue in fantasy world from last issue. Now Flash is trying to disarm a comically huge bomb as Spider-Man must battle a literal army of goons said to be working for Red Skull and Kingpin to give him more time.

I don’t think you should let those guys share a jail cell. Soon Flash and to a lesser degree Spider-Man are being honored for their heroism again, MJ & Gwen fawning over Flash, when a wheelchair-bound Peter Parker rolls up and say he’s done research, and this is all wrong, some kind of time anomaly or something.

Yes, they’re really doing this crap with Jill. Gwen tells Peter he was injured when Doc Ock blew them up in Chapter One #1, and then tells him Flash & MJ are getting married today, which enrages him to the point that he rips loose of his straight jacket and leaps away, regaining control a bit. Soon, at Flash’s wedding, he’s starting to wonder if Peter wasn’t crazy, but Spider-Man assures him it’s nothing. Then Flash goes to check on the crowd and Peter knocks out Spider-Man, unmasking him as an unseen guy who sure seems like he’d be Mysterio, but… ya know… Dead. Peter gets in the Spider-suit, wondering why the illusion hasn’t ended yet if Mysterio is out cold, and then drags Mysterio inside to show Flash the truth. But then Spider-Man’s whole rogues gallery attacks the wedding (That’s just superhero weddings for ya). The gang’s all here, all the classic villains (Except Mysterio), Venom, Hobgoblin, Hammerhead, Rocket Racer, Tarantula, Beetle, Carrion, Tombstone, Kingpin, Hydro-Man.

Spidey’s cut off by an attack from Sandman and Hydro-Man, but gets Flash to realize Mysterio isn’t among the villains, and flash has another, uh, flash of him in a tan, and then Quentin Beck (In the illusion) says this is impossible, that Spider-Man shouldn’t even be here.

Flash punches Mysterio out, waking everyone up. In real life, Mysterio is hidden head-to-toe in some sci fi suit and apparatus, and he calls Flash’s fantasy pathetic as he prepares to flee.

All of which begs the question… they didn’t really just bring Mysterio back from the dead the MONTH AFTER he died, did they? Is there a chance they didn’t even know that was coming and just had to shrug? Maybe we’ll get some answers on that, I didn’t remember this happening.