Picking up where PPSM 5 ended, no matter what it said. Joe Rosas colors this one. Spider-Man appears to be asking us, the reader, if we’ve ever lied to someone we care…
Tag: Marla Madison
SMU 22
Can’t wait to see how much stuff Deodato swipes from other artists this time. The art team is joined by Mark Bernardo to close out this series. Who’s coming to defeat these…
TAC 210
Last issue’s bag had a piece of tape on it so long removing the comic was a genuine challenge. This one has an itty bitty piece of tape barely holding it closed….
TAC 209
Time to close out Steven Grant’s strangely short career as writer of Spectacular. This month, credit goes to Grant & Buscema for Story & Art, with Bob Sharen coloring. On the splash,…
WEB 108
Let’s get to know this lame villain. Maybe they’ll even bother to tell me who Quicksand is along the way. 2nd issue in a row that starts with 2 consecutive splash pages,…
WEB 107
Is this issue promising THREE sand-based characters? Anakin Skywalker would be furious. And I only know who one of them is, so I hope they catch me up.We’re once again in for…
ASM 433
Here’s a villain we’ve not seen in awhile. That gag with the logo is not quite working. You can always tell a Tom Lyle drawing from the hands. From those weird, meaty…
Hobgoblin Lives 3
Oooo, that image is not high quality. How did that happen? Probably not obvious in the picture, but it’s visibly pixellated Ouch. I guess the early days of digital were a learning…
Hobgoblin Lives 2
A very old school Hobgoblin there on the cover. This month, Jerome Moore and Scott Hanna are on inks and/or finishes (You never know with Frenz, and last issue sure did look…
Hobgoblin Lives 1
So this should’ve run somewhat earlier (See how it has the older trade dress and everything), but I was trying to hold it til we got to the unmasking of Hobgoblin. And…