We’re back! Bendis! Bagley! Thibert. Transparency Digital! Art Thibert has apparently gone on to become one of these awful conservative idiots who rails against superhero comics starring heroes who aren’t white guys…
Tag: Joe Robertson
Tangled Web 11
Darwyn Cooke and J. Bone take the reins this month. An interesting pairing. Cooke successfully broke into comics in the 90s at DC before quickly deciding it wasn’t a way to make…
This month, UMTU welcomes Terry Moore, of the long-running Strangers In Paradise, among other things (Although I think he’d done little else at this point, he really stretched out into other areas…
Wizard 1/2
The “Wizard ½” was a gimmick running through the prominent comics magazine of the same name where they’d issues these specials in conjunction with the various publishers as collectibles. They came with…
USM 020
We open this month on 2 pages of Kraven & his entourage headed to film the big fight with Spider-Man. They basically just have spotters watching where Hammer’s limo is headed, with…
USM 016
These generic covers. This was the mandate of the time, as I’ve mentioned before, just “iconic” shots of the character or maybe a villain instead of anything revealing story content. It had…
USM 015
We get started this month with a tense 3-page segment of a lady exercising on the phone when Dr. Octopus breaks into her house and slowly starts coming toward her room before…
Look at these misshapen homunculi. This issue begins with Spider-Man telling us various facts about octopuses as he discover Fusion is somehow not dead. He’s calling for medical assistance. An extension on…
I do not understand the significance of the statuary on these covers. Well, Spider-Man is now wrapped up in Octo-tentacles, and Fusion wants to know how Spider-Man found them. As happens perhaps…
There are people all over comics who see this and go “This is a great image.” Anyway, Doc Ock! Badly misused under Mackie/Byrne. Who knows what Jenkins has up his sleeve for…