This month, UMTU welcomes Terry Moore, of the long-running Strangers In Paradise, among other things (Although I think he’d done little else at this point, he really stretched out into other areas in the 21st Century). Altho Strangers In Paradise is a well-known comics institution, I have precious little exposure, myself. Also, I get the sense that some people derided it as a bit of a Love & Rockets rip-off, tho, again, I wouldn’t know. Moore was known for drawing pretty ladies who looked like real people instead of crazy superhero comics proportions, that’s mostly what I know. Walden Wong inks, Bendis and Transparency Digital hang in there on the rest. We begin 6 months ago, with that Latverian ambassador from UMTU 4 & 5 working for a Dr. Doom that can’t exist in this universe doing a TV thing.

Was Natasha “Nanci” or something like it in the Iron Man 2 movie? I don’t remember. Natalie, I think. Not important. She started whuppin everybody and made a run for it, but they got her with a taser, and she was captured.

Robbie doesn’t think Latveria should have an embassy at all, and Jonah says this sort of thing usually gets swept under a rug, and the girl ends up in a river somewhere. He says let him make some calls. But Peter slips away, and soon Spider-Man is on the case. Meanwhile, Natasha wakes up in the clutches of her enemies. Why does this whole issue take place “one week ago?” It’s not like we have much frame of reference for any of these adventures. Anyway.

I wonder if that’s just verbatim out of the Handbook.

The guy clocks her with her own recorder, then finally name checks the Victor Von Doom who does not exist in this world, and she starts laughing hysterically, which ends up throwing them off guard as she gets her hands loose and begins beating guys up and takes her belt back.

Spider-Man, as usual, has a million questions, and also as usual, isn’t getting any answers. Widow quickly distracts him with her feminine wiles and then hits him with a whammy.

The now-very-off-model Nick Fury has arrived!

This came out the same month as USM 19. 2 months left to go in the Doc Ock/Kraven adventure, after which he was grounded until the end of the Goblin adventure. So I guess this is “a week ago” before the Doc Ock story. And also before UMTU 11. Sheesh, comics.