What a terrible drawing. The perspective, the stumpy fingers, that insane foot. Well, let’s see what this month’s trip to the Buckingham Recycling Center gets us. We find Peter Parker soaking in…
Tag: Joe Robertson
Lifeline 3
Pitched battle begins on the splash page this month. Spider-Man, Lizard and Boomerang take turns recapping as Lizard tears around the room. Liz says the effects of the tablet have given him…
Lifeline 2
Lifeline 2: More Life, More Line. A very 60s splash reminds you what’s going on, and then we get back into it. What gets me here is it’s not just a Romita…
Lifeline 1
Been a long time since Fabian Nicieza was in the Spider-Office. And with him comes Steve Rude, whose clean, “retro,” old school art has been beloved by many for over a decade…
ASM V2 26
Well, that looks weird. Well, it’s a week since the events of the issue 25s, and Spider-Man is ruminating on them by way of recapping. At the end of his recapping (3…
ASM V2 25
Hey, an actual monthly issue of Spider-Man, who’d have thought? With a dumb, shiny foil cover, even. Welcome to the countdown to the end of Howard Mackie’s tenure on the Spider-Books. Joining…
No reason Norman couldn’t have reverted to the classic suit for this. I wish he had. We open on the Green Goblin throwing an unconscious Spider-Man off the bridge… you know the…
Sentry 5
Things are weird from page one this month. The idea that this machine has been keeping the whole world from remembering him the whole time is a bit much! But we’re in…
Sentry 4
This issue picks up from the last so completely that you have to wonder if this was meant to be one big book at some point. I mean, Reed’s just responding to…
If there’s one surefire selling method for comics, it’s “big foot on cover.” The covers to both these issues got some gentle and sometimes not-so-gentle ribbing online. Well, Hulk’s about to crush…