If I understand the delayed over dates on comics properly, In October of 2000, you could go to your local comic shop and buy 2 different comics with Spider-Man and Daredevil teaming up (Mysterio Manifesto 2 and SM/DD 1), and THREE different comics where Spider-Man was under the effect of hallucinogens (MM 2, ASM 25, and PPSM 25). Also Sentry #5 featuring Spider-Man, just in case you weren’t getting enough Spider-Man that month. Jack O’Lantern recaps what’s happening for a page, and then this:

Boy do I not care about yet another “Spider-Man imagines another life” Mysterio story. And, as Spider-Man takes out Doc Ock, thinking everything is too perfect and something is wrong, we see that the cover is correct in representing just HOW much it’s like ASM 7 & 8:

How does he keep doing this!? Why wouldn’t he look under Spider-Man’s mask!?

We know the Danny Berkhart Mysterio from way, way back in ASM 141–142. Man, remember those days? I genuinely miss them. Doing this newer stuff just isn’t as fun. Reading those old comics felt like part archeology. These are just comics. Berkhart torments JJJ with some stupid illusions while Mad Jack talks nonsense at that silent Mysterio some more, blah blah blah. Then we get a look at DD’s fantasy world…

In his perfect world, he’s doing this. Wow. As Spidey and DD begin to realize their fantasies aren’t real, the other Mysterio is still arguing with Bet/sy, and then the heroes burst out of their tanks. Just A Guy Named Joe didn’t even rate seeing his fantasy, poor guy. Mysterio flees, and the heroes are too out of it to give chase, but they also begin to notice something:

Elsewhere, Mysterio is taunting JJJ some more, saying Berkhart was just a robot, when the other burst in and Spider-Man punches Mysterio’s bowl open, revealing JJJ inside, blah blah blah.

Nuke looks so happy to be there! Yes, it’s the assembled rogues galleries of both heroes. And I’m sure they’re REALLY HERE and it’s not just more pointless illusion garbage! Only one issue of this left…