90 cents! Really getting this story for a bargain. Scott Hanna pitches in on inks this month. We open on Dr. Strange, apparently having gone through some things lately but recently restored to full power (No idea), begin zapped by a disturbance in the Force… or, you know, something something magic. He tells Wong he felt a rift in reality.

No pressure!

You believe wrong, Stephen! Inside, the goofy bad guy revealed at the end of last issue reiterates who he is, and he’s doing a real “I’m so funny and not taking this seriously, but I am very scary and dangerous” villain thing, like Tom DeFalco seems to favor in this period, also, and which is so annoying. He decides to tell the dopes who made this happen his origin, because what else would a villain do?

Ugh. He tells the assembled losers how he can manipulate flesh, making their faces get weird like the dude from last issue. This doesn’t seem like the best magical ability. Weird looking, but not gonna take you too far. Meanwhile, JJJ goes to see Billy Walters at his apartment, to task him with a secret investigation. One assumes it’s Osborn-related, but we’re not told. Back at the creepy building, Strange has sensed that they have THE SPHERE, and has to explain what that is to Spider-Man, and is suitably worried. Spider-Man asks if Strange could just cast a spell that pauses all the weird wapring going on so they could slip inside and steal the sphere. What do you know, Doc can do that, but it’ll require him to stay outside, so Spider-Man will have to go in alone. Convenient! As Strange works on his spell, Spidey still feels like something in that building is reaching out to him, trying to communicate. What could it be? I have no idea.

What in all the world is meant to be happening with those captions? The narrator is confused? Nice of them to find something for Aunt Anna to do, tho. Wonder where this is going. Meanwhile, Strange zaps Spidey inside, then follows in his astral form, leaving his body outside to anchor the spell or whatever.

The next portal leads them to some kinda snowy place, where they’re attacked by giant snakes, as seen on the cover. They deal with that alright, and then come face-to-face with the villain.

Spidey dances around and tries to web ol’ Goofy, but is blocked by some of his goons. Then Buel hears Spidey talking to Strange and figures out he’s not alone, then vanishes.

Strange getting a ping from Franklin Richards, who has created the entire Heroes Reborn alternate reality to save the FF and the Avengers from dying in Onslaught and is literally carrying them in around in a blue ball, foreshadows the Heroes Return that will bring them all home. Well, come back next time to see this wrapped up, and maybe learn what Billy’s gonna do for JJJ, and maybe get more info about the Hibberts.