Behold, the end of the Kevin Smith/Joe Quesada DD run. This is basically just a coda to that story, wherein DD found himself protecting a mysterious baby. It seemed, by turns, that…
Tag: Doctor Strange
Secret Defenders 8
This one is ALSO named with a Macbeth quote! Why 3 out of 4!? Inker Don Hudson returns to wrap us up. Everyone spends the first 4 pages recapping at each other,…
Secret Defenders 7
More secret defense. Fred Fredericks inks this one. It’s called “The Queen, My Lord, Is Dead,” with a text box letting you know that’s from Macbeth. That’s kinda awkward. The Way To…
Secret Defenders 6
Secret Defenders 6* What’s this? Secret Defenders was a concept that I thought sounded interesting, but a series I didn’t buy, so I guess it didn’t hit me too hard. Every story,…
ASM Annual 02
I’ve talked before about how Ditko wasn’t into crossovers. He didn’t think his heroes should need help. And by now, he’s doing these books without talking to Stan at all. And yet……
UTS: Strange Encounter
Almost a year after the publication of UTS 25, this was released, a squarebound one-off teaming Spider-Man and Dr. Strange. Maybe for the first time? I have no idea where it’s meant…
UTS Annual ’97
Untold Tales is racing toward cancellation, but it’s not done yet, and here we have an interesting gimmick. Behind this Tom Lyle cover is a story that got a direct sequel in…
SSM 23
So much eyesore text in this era, my goodness. Ok, let’s wrap this up. Spidey’s in trouble, Doc’s in trouble. Doc is now racing back to his physical form, tho, a detail…
SSM 22
90 cents! Really getting this story for a bargain. Scott Hanna pitches in on inks this month. We open on Dr. Strange, apparently having gone through some things lately but recently restored…
ASM Annual 01
This is ASM Annual 6, but it reprints the first one, so I saved myself a zillion dollars. I never really thought much of it before, but I think the Sinister Six…