Daredevil! We may not have actually seen DD 300, where he took down The Kingpin “once and for all” (for a little while), but we’re here for… what certainly looks like a terrible, terrible villain. DD is currently by writer DG Chichester, Scott McDaniel, Chris Ivy and “Max Scheele,” which is a fake name Christie Scheele sometimes used, and I gotta say… not hiding too well behind that one, Christie. Chichester picked up DD from Ann Nocenti’s long, legendary run not a year prior to this. Anyway, the first page shows some Vegas mobsters trying to buy the services of Terror, of Terror, Inc., to help them get a seat at the table with the big boys carving up The Kingpin’s former territories. Then on page 2, we cut to Peter & MJ in a dance club. Just kidding, it’s some random people with their same hair color and the guy has Peter’s hairstyle, but it’s not them. Kind of weird. Maybe less so if you’re not approaching it from my Spider-Man-centric point of view.

Oh, ok. Terror, Inc. AND this weird lady, this is gonna be a special one. Cut to 2 thugs trying to rob a guy in the park only to find some one’s already killed them, and then DD beatin’ them up, anyway. DD finds the guy’s not dead, but he’s working on it.

Karen Page was DD’s one true love until Marvel let Kevin Smith kill her in a terrible story that will presumably tangentially tie to this blog one day. They had their ups and downs, but here they are, happy together again. For now. Matt is trying to get Karen to tell him where the popular night clubs are, but she realizes he’s looking for places “The Surgeon General” might strike next and doesn’t want him to go. That name is just not landing for me. Too silly. But, he assures her, he’s asking for a friend…

This is getting wackier by the minute. Cut to Peter Parker, wearing a fake mustache, out on the town and dancing with some lovely ladies, trying to become The Surgeon General’s next victim, as DD listens from the rafters in club after club. We’re told in a montage Peter’s been bragging about how healthy he is since that’s her thing, and eventually, she does find him. She leads him up to an empty rooftop bar, assuring him the owner let her have a key.

This is a pretty manic Spidey and I think I’m into it. SG gets the better of DD with a gas mask, like you’d put on in a doctor’s office, momentarily taking him down, and produces a bonesaw. But then Spidey is there, webbing her to a table and talking about how he caught “That good looking guy” DD threw over the side. She cuts loose with her saw and runs off, and by then, DD is up and wants first dibs. Unfortunately, she’s run back down into the club and is just stabbing random people. Spidey stops to try to help the wounded, but DD is focused on trying to stop this, and follows as she runs outside.

She’s got a nurse! Several, in fact, at least 3. DD manages to get on top of the van and fling the back doors open, but a freezing cold organ cooler thrust into his super sensitive gut sends him flying right back out.

I don’t know the details, but Chichester is the one who’ll have DD “kill” Matt Murdock in a few years, as we saw way back in TAC 219. I Guess he’s already working on making DD “darker.” Next time, we’ll see how this ridiculous caper pans out. What happened to Terror?? He appeared on 1 page and that was it!