Ron Zimmerman is back, last seen in that awful Jay Leno thing. Sean Philips is back, last seen in Ultimate Spider-Man Super Special, tho I think this came out first, just to…
Tag: Vulture
Tangled Web 11
Darwyn Cooke and J. Bone take the reins this month. An interesting pairing. Cooke successfully broke into comics in the 90s at DC before quickly deciding it wasn’t a way to make…
Buckingham’s back on duty this month. Is Spider-Man underwater here? I don’t… think so… I think he’s just cold. The color choice really messed this one up. Dare I hope an actual…
Electro’s arms are weird on this cover. We don’t pick up with last issue’s cliffhanger. Instead, we start with a bomb going off and throwing MJ out of bed. He’s having his…
ASM V2 12
Well, the Spider-books have made it to issue 12, and comics love an anniversary, so they’re all extra-sized, extra-priced spectaculars. And ASM & PPSM are a 2-part Sinister Six event. And they…
Chapter One 3
I mean this doesn’t look good, right? What the hell is that Vulture costume? A tux with tails? How did this get published? Joe Andreani takes over as colorist this month. Page…
What If 7
Prior to getting to Volume 2, I got a couple odds & ends that I didn’t really have anywhere else to put, so why not now? Fewer than I thought, actually For…
SSM 28
Last month it was double covers for ever issue, this month it’s this split gag for every issue. Always like an excuse for other characters to react to something like this. The…
ASM 388
Annuals, of course, are 64 pages, and expected to feature 3-4 stories. Big deal anniversary issues are usually oversized, maybe double-sized/annual sized, and contain several stories, with at least the excuse of…
ASM 387
You think magical pseudo-science de-aging would really give you your hair back? Good job by Bags making younger Vulture still look like The Vulture. On pages 1 & 2, it does what…