Wolverine is all face on this cover. This was one of Finch’s early weaknesses, he drew people’s heads too small, like there wasn’t enough room in their skull for a brain. I…
Tag: Iceman
UXM 36 & 37
Look at those claws. Starting around the mid-90s, making Wolverine have claws so long that they couldn’t possibly retract back into his arm became fashionable, and it stayed that way. You know,…
Very Marvel Team-Up-ish cover. We open on Betty Brant interviewing a guy who saw what happened as last issue was ending. Spider-Man was holding Shadrac down as Bobby filled him full of…
ASM V2 3
Welcome, I believe, to 1999. Pretty sure March ‘99 on the cover means January ‘99 in real life. The first time there was an Amazing Spider-Man 3, we met Dr. Octopus. This…
UTS 21
And now, Spider-Man’s going to meet The X-Men for the first time. But we’ve seen him meet them for the first time in X-Men 35, pretty definitively, so this isn’t going to…
TAC 199
And we’re back. Castle’s still falling, heroes are recapping, it’s all happening. Archangel, being all tough and mean since he got transformed by Apocalypse, thinks they should just leave, but Cyclops won’t…
TAC 198
It is utterly insane to me that this is a 3-issue story. Professor. Power. Is meant to keep Spider-Man and the X-Men at bay for a 3-issue story! Bonkers. Bananas. Other such…
TAC 197
I haven’t read this one. Can’t wait to see how sad DeMatteis can make a crossover between Marvel’s most popular characters. It’s pretty shocking, in retrospect, how little Spider-Man and The X-Men…
ASM 282
The last of this blog’s 25th Anniversary covers. We’re treated to another issue by Rick Leonardi this month, now inked by Bob Layton with Nel Yomtov on colors. We open on Flash…
TAC 018
The thick outline around Spider-Man compared to the others is a weird choice, but always nice to see a Gil Kane cover. As we rejoin the action, Spider-Man and Angel are… running…