Wolverine is all face on this cover. This was one of Finch’s early weaknesses, he drew people’s heads too small, like there wasn’t enough room in their skull for a brain. I…
Tag: Dum Dum Dugan
MTU 071
(One of 77) MTU 69’s letter column said that, while the details were up in the air, if things worked out right, MTU 71 was gonna be the craziest issue ever. Instead,…
Dead Man’s Hand
So, just to recap: Gerry Conway made a story about clones. And then Bill Mantlo made a story about a failed clone named Carrion. And then Conway came back and was like…
MTU 139
Not Al Milgrom’s finest hour, this cover. The longer you look at that Spider-Man, the wonkier it gets. Maybe he was especially overworked this month. Looks like an explosive time for our…